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Consulting Services

The WCI Director, staff, and associated experts are available to help you harness the power of values and ethics in meeting your water goals.   We offer the following services:

Speaking Engagements


WCI Director, David Groenfeldt, brings a refreshing and provocative message about water and ethics to conferences, training programs, and workshops.  Recent talks include a plenary address to an international conference on water history (Beijing, China, October 2016), co-moderating a panel on food and water ethics (Haverford College, October 2016), and an invited lecture on water ethics to the Univ. of Michigan-Flint,  Philosophy Department (November 2016)


  •  Task-based consulting services

  •  Mentoring

  •  Training programs


Ethics-based process for finding workable solutions which fairly address the priority values of all parties.

Ethics-based water planning for

  •   Local governments

  •   Watershed and River Basin organizations

  •   Private corporations (for internal operations or philanthropy)

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