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Water Ethics

Strengthening the Field of Water Ethics, Proceedings of a virtual roundtable held on Nov. 17, 2021, Edited by David Groenfeldt and Jesse Ferraioli, April 2022.

Crafting a New Water Ethic from the Values of Our Better Angels, talk for the University of New Mexico Anthropology Colloquium Series, Sept 24, 2021.

Learning from Indigenous Water Ethics, book chapter in, The Cultural Dynamics in Water Management from Ancient History to the Present Age, edited by Xiao Yun Zheng; IWA Publishing 2021

Ethical Considerations in Managing the Hydrosphere: An Overview of Water Ethics, published in DiCapua et al, Geoethics: Status and Future Perspectives. Geological Society, London, 2021

Water Ethics, book chapter by David Groenfeldt, in Springer Handbook of Water Resources Management, Edited by Bogardi J.J., et. al., 2021

Why We Need Water Ethics, article by David Groenfeldt in American Scientist, Sept-Oct 2019

Imagining an Ethical Future for the Mekong River, article by David Groenfeldt in Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs, 4(2), 2018

Water Ethics Network Newsletter (monthly, 2011 to 2018)

Water Ethics Conceptual Framework, by David Groenfeldt in Water Resources Impact, March 2018

Overview of Water Ethics, by David Groenfeldt in Water Resources Impact, March 2018

Introduction to Water Ethics, essay by David Groenfeldt in The Leopold Outlook, 16(1), 2016

Why Cultural Diversity Matters for Healthy Rivers, article by David Groenfedt in Langscape, 4(1), 2015

Toward an Ethical Response to the Water Crisis,Talk by David Groenfeldt at the Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 24 March 2014

Ethics and Water Governance, article by David Groenfeldt and Jeremy Schmidt, in Ecology and Society, 2013

The Next Nexus? Environmental Ethics, Water Policies, and Climate Change, article by David Groenfeldt, in Water Alternatives, 2010

When Good People Do Bad Things: Confronting Western Water Culture, article by David Groenfeldt, in Anthropology News, January 2010.

Participatory Water Management

Stakeholder Roles in Rio Grande Basin Management, by David Groenfeldt;  Report to Audubon New Mexico, 2011.

A Watershed Perspective for Water User Associations, training module by David Groenfeldt, prepared for the International Network on Participatory Irrigation Management, 2006.

Case Studies in Participatory Irrigation Management, report by David Groenfeldt and Mark Svendsen (eds), World Bank Institute Learning Resources Series, 2000. (13MB file)

Reimagining Water Agriculture

Perspectives on Global Food Ethics (Blog post by David Groenfeldt, Jan. 30, 2015)

Multifunctional Agricultural Policies and Practices in Europe and Relevance for Monsoon Asia, report by David Groenfeldt, December 2009.

How the multifunctionality concept can restore meaning to agriculture; by David Groenfeldt, In, Bertus Haverkort and Coen Reijntjes (eds), Moving Worldviews: Reshaping sciences, policies and practices for endogenous sustainable development. Leusden (Netherlands): ETC/Compas

Managing Water for Happiness (Paper by David Groenfeldt presented at the International Seminar on Operationalizing Gross National Happiness, Thimpu, Bhutan, 18-20 February 2004. Oceans


Applying Ethics to the Challenges of Oceans Governance, by David Groenfeldt, presented at the workshop on Oceans Governance at The Hague Institute, The Netherlands, 31 March, 2016. Culture

Engaging with Communities on Freshwater Protected Area Establishment and Management.  Report by David Groenfeldt, commissioned by The Nature Conservancy, 2019.

Ethics as a Bridge between Traditional and Contemporary Water Governance, by David Groenfeldt, presented to the Symposium on "Governance of Water Resources: Values, Traditions and Contemporary Policies," Rabat, Morocco, March 12-13, 2015.

Water development and spiritual values in western and indigenous societies. Book chapter by David Groenfeldt, In M. Chibba, D. Nakashima, and R. Boelens (eds) Water and Cultural Values. Paris: UNESCO, 2006.

The Water-Culture Institute is a registered public charity incorporated in Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA) in July 2010.  The Institute is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)3; donations are tax-deductable.   

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